Who is 'The Little Critic?'
Everybody can be a critic. I just happened to be the kind of critic who is small and who likes to write her feelings about a movie out into the vast Internet space for everyone to read. And now, the blog of The Little Critic exists.
Why do you take movies so seriously?
Because it is my thing...my passion. I've loved movies ever since I was younger and it just stuck with me. I would love to work with movies one day, in any way possible really, and right now, writing about them helps me understand them more.
But...they're just movies, right? Why do you review them about emotional aspects and all that crap? Why so technical?
Ask anyone who is an artist why they love to create. I don't mean just the painters and sculptors. There are artists everywhere. In the fashion world, engineering, musicians, etc. and movies are no different. People do it cause of passion...(some just for money, yeah) I know there are some movies that are not meant to be taken so seriously. I'm not stupid. I'm not going to go review every Adam Sandler movie and analyze how he uses fart jokes in 'Billy Madison' to make us laugh. Just understand that while most films are meant to entertain us, some can have the ability to connect emotionally with us as well. Movies will always be around because of that...think of those freak shows and vaudeville acts they had back then; those were meant to entertain as well, but I doubt those connected to people emotionally. Some movies are meant just for a good time, I know that. But some movies should also be seen as a work of art.
What do you hope to gain from writing these reviews?
Connection, I suppose. I want to see what other people say about their most favorite or hated parts of a movie I reviewed. I want to hear their support. I want to hear their complaints. I also think that from all this reviewing, that maybe I get a new sense of understanding of how to write movies, if I ever do get into that business.
What do you want to do in the movie business?
I would love to write a few screenplays. Maybe even direct since I know I have the capability to do that too. I am incredibly lazy though, but I am taking small steps and doing this blog partly because of that. It is my first baby step. For once, I want to finish or keep going with what I started.
Have you ever written a script before?
Once, for a school play. An adaptation of J.M. Barrie's 'Peter Pan.' I was happy with the results and incredibly stressed over it, but I was so happy when it was over. No joke, I literally cried at the end of the play. I didn't know why at first, but when I look back on it now, it was because I was SO happy it was OVER. :)
Can I suggest movies to you?
Of course, you may. If I can find the film easily, I will watch it. Foreign movies are welcome as well. I may have some restrictions upon myself, but so far that has not happened.