When watching it, I had to have some help from my sister, who loves the books (not obsessively, please don't think badly of her haha) to fill out the blanks for my un-Twilighted head. I only have very little knowledge of the first book, which I actually did read when I was given the bookset as a gift.
So yes, I do own the books, but they are simply just gathering dust at the moment.
In 'Eclipse' we find that Bella (Kristen Stewart) is, once again, in another pickle. A scorned, female vampire, Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard), has sworn to kill Bella after Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) ripped apart James, her mate, in the previous installments. Victoria wants Edward to feel the depth of her pain of a lost lover.
However, getting to Bella is not an easy task for Victoria. Bella is protected by not only the Cullen clan, but also by Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) and the rest of the werewolves. To get to Bella, Victoria creates a "Newborn Vampire Army" by going around Seattle and turning innocent victims into vampires against their will with the help of her first Newborn Vampire, Riley (Xavier Samuel)
You'd think an "I Want You" poster would be enough
Despite this terrible dilemma, we also see the relationship of Edward and Bella unfolding, getting stronger, while Mr. Puppy Eyes, Jacob, watches in heartbreak.
So Edward wants to marry Bella and Jacob doesn't want that to happen because he "can give Bella the life she needs and deserves."
Pretty much the whole movie now, so I will tell you what I think.
'Eclipse' was not that bad...in the action scenes. I thought they were well-paced and actually kind of cool to watch. Near the end, I was actually genuinely interested in what was going on and I was amazed by feeling that way. I also liked the backstories for vampires, Rosalie Hale and Jasper Hale.
I would like to point out that everytime I saw Jasper Hale (Jackson Rathbone) I kept being reminded of the horror that is 'The Last Airbender' (Rathbone plays Sokka) and because of that, I had the strongest urge to punch him in the face.
Jasper and film-Sokka: both punchable
Don't get me wrong, Rathbone did a good job in 'Eclipse' because it fit the seriousness of the movie. Yet, Rathbone brought in that same seriousness, mixed it with M. Night Shyamalan's directing and writing, and put it in the character of Sokka, who is supposed to be funny, sarcastic, and only serious when he needs to be. And for that, Rathbone must be punched.
Now back to the film: I honestly could care less to see Edward and Bella or Jacob and Bella together. I have no teams or preference...I am what Bella says, "I'm Switzerland." And if you didn't get that, she means, "I'm neutral."
I just don't care for the romance part, but I think to be fair, I don't care for the FILM'S romance. When I read the first 'Twilight' book about a year ago, I didn't mind it that much. The writing is simple, yes, but it's easy, if you have a va-jay-jay, to get into the story.
So, in defense of the books, it's not that bad. The movies and the craze, however, not my thing.
'Eclipse' was still a good watch to me and I tried VERY hard not to be bothered and biased, other than 'The Last Airbender' thing.
I still HATE the craze about these films and honestly, Robert Pattinson? You were so much cuter in 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.' What the heck happened to you? Yuck.
Because of that hate, I refuse to give a rating and will just say:
The film's action scenes are good, but not enough for me to embrace the 'Twilight Saga' just yet.
Rent worthy? If you're absolutely bored and you have a little curiosity about it, the film is somewhat interesting on those days you have nothing better to do.
DVD/Blu-ray worthy? If you love the films/books, you don't need me to tell you to go out and buy them. For me, I'm not getting it. I'm satisfied enough for giving it a chance.
Are you a Twi-hard? Are you a Twi-hater? If you love the Twilight Saga, did I summarize the movie right?
Keep on watchin'
The Little Critic
You were much nicer than I was, but I enjoy reading the perspective of someone who is not "involved" in the craze. as a Twilight book lover, I despise the movies... DESPISE! l0l
I loved this, you are too funny Little Critic! :D
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